Friday, November 1, 2019


1: Carolyn Finney coming to guest-lecture and discuss with our class
2: Bloom (the graphic novel)
3: reading the campus newspaper over breakfast
4: chatting with my advisor
5: hanging 'til 5 am
6: completing my back2back2back playlist project
7: running into Jim at work while on a last-minute-cover shift
8: a friend inviting me to his art studio
9: revisiting the Spanish house to watch a Chilean fim
10: overwhelmed in-awe wanting to cry at the beautiful fall mosaic of the landscape
11: Yoe Mase "Homeless"
12: side job at work: preparing the Halloween glove craft
13: brunch + chillin' with alum pals on homecoming weekend
14: breakaway work outside turning into conversation with classmates
15: my lil bro becoming a grown college boi
16: justified YouTube time (after finally finishing my readings for class)
17: being selected as the unsuspecting subject of the professor's thought experiment
18: hoarding a bunch of mini rubber bands from work
19: unexpectedly running into my friend at the airport and sitting together on the plane
20: (morning sun through) forest fog & little galloping goats
21: tramping along the creek
22: the eerie fields
23: rolled-cuff skinny jeans over boots aesthetic
24: the Genderbread person
25: learning about habit formation
26: return to chillstep mixes
27: lo-fi/hip hop while doing homework together in my room
28: a tender moment with Princess Carolyn (Bojack Season 6) making me cry
29: burnt orange late-fall leaves
30: watching a recorded lecture and recognizing some of the (now) alums asking questions during the Q&A
31: wandering near the creek and stumbling across the high school

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