Saturday, November 30, 2019


1: Storming the Wall (reading about border protection and climate change)
2: the surreal cycle of drifting into a dream state then "waking" back into the present
3: pulling my post-shower corkscrew curls into a little top ponytail
4: my classmates' funny PSA skits
5: "Petrified" by DROELOE capturing my current state
6: "a nice long heart-to-heart chat"
7: this text exchange: "First snow! ❄😊" - "💙 it's beautiful"
8: watching a middle-aged golden retriever chase a ball and flop for a belly rub in the snow-covered grass
9: hoarding leftover food from an unattended event #freegan
10: the new Green Eggs and Ham Netflix original as a decent distraction from homework and toxic thought spirals
11: desahogándome with a friend (and sad-laughing about shared shitty experiences)
12: the lit club reading, discussing, and seemingly enjoying a short story I suggested
13: a little gurgling stream in the midst of snow-covered cattails
14: playing Overcooked with the Xenia squad and laughing until my stomach hurts
15: nostalgia from listening to the Traveling Wilburys
16: "getting wasted" & watching Bojack Horseman
17: watching Avatar: The Legend of Korra over Sunday Night Dinner
18: pumping myself up with some sick new Stonebank
19: "Loneliness" by Kurzgesagt
20: revamping The Misfits (i.e., channeling life events into a new story adapted from previously-written characters)
21: a window in the shower stall to look out over Battell Beach from the fifth floor
22: laughing and talking with (mostly new, some familiar) people at gayme night
23: Once Upon a Goat
24: the haunting transcendence of "Videotape" slowed down 800%
25: embracing the unprecedentedly warm weather and walking around outside the library, stumbling upon the Garden of the Seasons mini-sculpture/labyrinth park
26: social networking (i.e., my aunt) potentially getting me a leg up for a job application
27: commiserating, catching up, reminiscing, and road-trip planning with my bestie
28: hella nostalgic yet timeless vibes of "You Won't See Me"
29: the Q&A community supper
30: blog posts and other online resources answering the question "how to know if you're ready to start dating"

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