Monday, September 30, 2019


1: Wild Youth & the remixes
2: a new sticker collage on my laptop
3: elegant language making something even more humorous
4: the ridiculous anonymizing of already-wacky characters in the "Bobo the Angsty Zebra" episode of BoJack Horseman
5: moping around Target
6: baking myself some cheezy nooch crackers as a plane snack
7: saying hello again to Midd after so long away
8: the new plantmilk dispensers in the dining hall
9: the entertainment of a classmate who's overly outspoken on the first day
10: having my mind blown by basic, intro linguistics
11: biking down Exchange Street to go to the farmer's market
12: being the unsung hero of sign language club at the student activities fair
13: mindful contemplation at the creek's edge
14: eating at the co-op after work
15: free laundry
16: class at the Knoll (& breaks to walk around the garden)
17: getting and putting up my new Spacewalk poster
18: trekking out to the part of the TAM with rock work and wild apple trees
19: oatmilk all day
20: gathering more articles + sources for my thesis
21: cracking up at a little kid's nonsensical ramblings
22: laughing til I cry (or is it just crying?) at climate change deniers' logic
23: watching Breaking Bad analysis videos
24: catching up with a friend from Chile
25: a middle-grade novel about petty tween~ drama
26: my laptop stickers inspiring an animated conversation about Breaking Bad (& Better Call Saul, & El Camino)
27: walking up to someone I want to say hi to and saying hi
28: going over to a friend's place to watch Better Call Saul together
29: the joy & nostalgia of revisiting corn corridor and bosque bend
30: meal catching and reconnecting

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