Sunday, August 31, 2014


1: inner-city Seattle
2: barefoot walks in the surf
3: revisiting the same used bookstore you found six years ago
4: seeing glass-blowing in action
5: coming back from a big city to return to your ghost-town state
6: helping a neighbor's dog get back home
7: funny & friendly bankers
8: a stumbling toddler jumping into the foam pit after his mom and brother
9: a dog getting so excited to play fetch they chase the ball even if you only kicked it a few inches
10: friendly baristas at Starbucks
11: random people making rock & roll hand signals to you from another car
12: making a Jeep friend
13: videos of dogs playing on YouTube
14: "In a Station of the Metro" by Ezra Pound
15: watching documentaries and docu-dramas in class
16: a black widow eating a baby lizard
17: Ansel Elgort in The Fault in Our Stars
18: nobody seeing you epically trip
19: virtual evolution simulators
20: turning my HP into a TeaBook Pavilion
21: learning to play "Colorblind" on piano
22: el cortometraje "Cuerdas"
23: getting a dog prepped for the World Cup
24: Ludovico Einaudi's album Divenire
25: starting a part-dystopian, part-autobiographical story
26: when the new kid welcomes YOU in
27: that one kid in the class who uses Ubuntu
28: zucchini latkes
29: IQ and common sense tests on YouTube
30: feeding a pig carrots
31: Keira Knightley in Begin Again

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