Saturday, August 31, 2013

August 5 - 31

Aug 5: priceless faces
Aug 6: good tofu dogs
Aug 7: glimpses of the world
Aug 8: castle houses
Aug 9: avocado-spinach paninis
Aug 10: "The Long and Winding Road"
Aug 11: traditional church
Aug 12: random, hilarious movies
Aug 13: playing with stuffed animals
Aug 14: Christopher Eccleston as Ben Jago
Aug 15: overcoming nerves
Aug 16: second days of school
Aug 17: CinemaSins
Aug 18: "Hear Me Lord"
Aug 19: reliving the old times with friends
Aug 20: second impressions of people
Aug 21: drawing bar graphs
Aug 22: the Island
Aug 23: exercise bikes
Aug 24: the backyard wilderness
Aug 25: Disney movie marathons
Aug 26: ebullient excitement
Aug 27: "Barrio sin luz"
Aug 28: a new friend
Aug 29: "Spork," the movie
Aug 30: being missed by some of the Mainlanders
Aug 31: personalized understanding of science concepts

Monday, August 5, 2013

One Year of One Thing That I Love Today!

One whole year! One whole year of optimistic ends to my days. One whole year of appreciating the little things individually. One whole year where I did something new and unexpected and different and stuck with it. (Not that I'm not motivated - I can be. When I feel like it.)

Since I don't want to flood this blog with over-frequent posts (though too much love is never a bad thing), I will hold off on posting here as frequently as before. Hopefully, I will add my daily OTTILTs as the subtitles for my daily photographs on I'll still post here, but not twice a week as before. Maybe once every two weeks or something like that.

But, here are the OTTILTs for August 5, 2012 and August 5, 2013:

when you're in-between halfway and done with a book

priceless faces

Thanks to everyone who ever glanced at this blog! I hope maybe it got you thinking to yourself, "Dude! The smile of a guy you've gotten over is wonderful!" or maybe, "What in the world is bike-swimming?" or even, "What's so great about breakfast with Dad?" This might be a little out there, a little too hopeful, but maybe you even said to yourself, "What's one thing that I love for today?" Because that, my friends, is what gets you on the track to more positive thinking and living.

Signing off, and I hope I might see you on Twitter (@vinylgirl73 or #OTTILT)!

Friday, August 2, 2013

July 29 - August 2

the opportunity to be like an adult

smooth gear transitions


mango lassi

capturing ANY picture of lightning