Saturday, January 31, 2015


1: New Year's Day soul food
2: The Book of Life
3: when a normally shy dog jumps up on you to say hi
4: watching Netflix on the last day of break
5: when you and your best friend catch up on Vines after winter break
6: "Stubborn Love" by the Lumineers
7: the Trivia Crack craze
8: Awkward Puppets on Vine
9: sharing a song you like with your friend and feeling an aura of complete familiarity and acceptance
10: composing a lengthy, semi-informal email to try and persuade your teacher
11: Selma
12: when a playlist-shuffle plays songs in a specific order
13: the first pit rehearsal of a new show
14: listening to Einaudi's "DNA" while reading about DNA for AP bio
15: calling a sick friend from school during a free period (to gossip)
16: "Pawn Shop Blues" by Lana Del Rey
17: making a mini vlog compilation video
18: Sunday grocery outings
19: doing film shoots for a class presentation at the park
20: growing into a musical solo (over a few years)
21: when your breath freezes in the rain
22: friendly conversations with the librarian
23: course-selection advice from classmates and teachers
24: pawprints in the snow
25: baking cookies & making tiaras
26: 100th day of school randomness
27: Acquiendences.
28: reading a speech as fast as you can and running out of breath afterward
29: the veterinarian presentation at Career Day
30: your parents reminding you to not sleep with your contacts in
31: making a best-in-state ranking on QuizUp