Tuesday, May 31, 2016


1: a vegan spin on chicken noodle soup
2: vegan chocolate mousse
3: picking through Legos in rubber gloves
4: Mom's intro to vegan baking (and cookie deliciousness)
5: makeshift suspenders
6: vegan shepherd's pie for breakfast
7: building my third tiny house model
8: crafting the little kitchen unit
9: when Jane meets Mr. Rochester
10: when you're reading a book and your friend comes up and asks you what part you're at
11: popsicle-stick lap siding
12: joining the first and original Team Edward
13: painting Peachy, the tinny tiny house
14: friendly chats with neighbors you haven't talked to in years
15: laughing and joking about the polygon with the baez
16: the final scene of the Michael Fassbender and Mia Wasikowska Jane Eyre
17: hitting my knee on the corner of my bed and getting a serpentine, S-shaped scar
18: meandering around in the chilly, overcast afternoon with a recuperating friend
19: a quiet, secluded daisy patch behind the library
20: Bernie Sanders rally
21: visiting, critiquing, and judging a for-sale tiny house
22: confidences, and walking in the desert
23: family time and moments with friends on my birthday
24: birthday-gift suspenders
25: audible-collision, body-slam, charge-across-the-room-and-knock-you-down hugs
26: slideshow covering seven years (from sixth grade onward)
27: tablet-flip Envy laptop
28: my family adorning me with leis after the graduation ceremony
29: making graduation gifts
30: typing up an old manuscript
31: bosque bushwhacking with your bestie

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