Saturday, April 30, 2016


1: improvising breakfast of Orange Pekoe and a Luna bar
2: "Bunny and Hamster Love Video Compilation 2016"
3: analyzing the sexual tension and all the inter-tangled relationships in a short film
4: putting together a cinematic representation of a sonnet for a class project
5: writing a fanfic-style backstory scene for my short film character
6: rants and raves and obsession about a fanfic
7: ponderings about my racial place in society
8: tux fitting
9: Trainwreck
10: music that matches your emotional confusion
11: dreaming about not being able to fall asleep
12: reading old diary entries and being reminded of things you didn't even remember
13: little bro's writing evolution
14: "Phosphor"
15: when your friend makes you wear the flowered headband from the first day of school then steals it back from you right as you've gotten to enjoy it
16: pre-prom hangouts
17: the buttoned blue blouse that accidentally showed up in my laundry
18: interactions with other prospies at Middlebury
19: poetry slams and chats with students at the center for diversity and inclusivity
20: hiding under the sleeping bag to Kik your friend in the middle of the night
21: giddy excitement on my first day of projects
22: when your best friend shares his poetry with you
23: solar cookers and rainwater purification systems (and types of heating and cooking)
24: walking around barefoot and eating food at your friend's house like you live there
25: sketching tiny house interiors
26: marveling at compact fridges and mini microwaves
27: clomping around the house with one boot on
28: pinning up my college flag
29: a pre-model tiny tiny house
30: shed scouting

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