Sunday, September 30, 2018


1: sitting just off the trail on a chilly, overcast morning, looking out over the landscape and reimagining my summer experiences as a story retelling
2: the comfort of holding a soft, cuddly Squishmallow in my arms in the middle of a crowded Costco
3: playing Bananagrams out on the patio of a cafe
4: addicting new songs from Rocket League x Monstercat Vol. 4
5: Earl Grey tea chocolate
6: the wonder of wandering Narnia's newly-discovered roads
7: binge-downloading Ninety9Lives tunes
8: playing cards in a preT coffee shop
9: pizza and game night
10: returning to a familiar place after a long half-day of traveling
11: familiar faces as I float through a sea of strangers
12: listening to COTW while at the gym
13: window-watching
14: a random rug as compensation for the one that mysteriously was lost
15: "Reacting to Anti-Gay Commercials Because I'm Gay"
16: pedaling down the road to see where it goes
17: an unexpected chill and secluded spot (the deck outside Sunderland)
18: wandering in the woods until I get kinda lost (then finding my way back)
19: a curious squirrel looking right at me and inching its way closer
20: doing readings outside on a just-perfectly-overcast-and-cool day (on a swing, in an Adirondack chair)
21: learning (as much as one can?) how to play Mao at Q&A's gayme night
22: flame-burst of obsession for MEMBA's "Stand Off" feat. Ehiorobo
23: easy rapport with a friend as we do the dishes
24: sweet potato coconut curry soup with focaccia for dipping
25: watching an animal emotions documentary for class
26: listening to Xan Griffin's "Self Discovery" EP (and discovering he's a relatively young talent)
27: excerpts from Emerson's 'Nature' essay
28: attending a neuroscience talk and learning about the strange sociality of voles
29: sharing fudge (and first-time high experiences)
30: a blurred line between reality and delusion in a book

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