Friday, August 31, 2018


1: setting the bar low on a very slow day and exceeding our goals
2: multicolored berries hanging like a string of lights over the creek
3: an interlude of sun in the midst of rain
4: dogs in dreams
5: embracing the music (facing the rain)
6: rolling a piece of lumber across a sketchy bridge using little logs underneath
7: signing each other's pants on the last day of work
8: breakfast of granola & blueberries in yogurt while filling out end-of-season surveys in a Starbucks
9: the giddy loopiness of being high
10: prepping for da club on our last night together
11: when one of the songs in a DJ's set is a remix of a tune our friend would always reference
12: queuing up new tunes
13: grocery-shopping with healthy* meal ideas in mind
14: first snaps
15: little bro's sketch idea for my tattoo
16: when a book alternately makes you laugh out loud and tugs at your heartstrings
17: walking through the desert - and looking over the city - in the stormy dusk
18: Frasier to distract me from stinging, stabbing tattoo pain
19: the crew's approval and excitement over the crosscut tattoo
20: another cute 'n' sweet Kasie West audiobook (now I've read all her novels!)
21: anecdotes about our crew leader
22: remembering + reliving the sexual tension between two characters in a previously-read-and-thoroughly-enjoyed book
23: a story of summer romance and self-discovery
24: splurging on music
25: binge-watching Rick and Morty with my bro
26: sassy retorts and pessimistic reminiscing
27: being reminded why my obscure and unknown-and-confusing-to-everyone major is important
28: desert déjà vu and the epiphany of belonging
29: wearing an apron (feeling like a real chef)
30: chronicling the low-key dramatic saga of my second experience with weed through captioned selfies
31: Leave No Trace

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