Thursday, May 31, 2018


1: clinging to/swinging from a tree
2: "related artists" radio leading me to Poppy Ackroyd
3: sitting outside, just west of Bi Hall, absorbing the nature around me
4: using someone's architectural model to carry a wasp outside the building to freedom
5: detour to a local park (+ snacking on fruit)
6: a student band (unexpectedly) playing some live music on a Sunday morning
7: the story of Ross Capicchioni (his own recounting and Joyner Lucas' rap)
8: serenading a tree with "Two Trees"
9: evening scrimmage of fĂștbol in practice for the Spanish v. Portuguese game
10: breaking the ice by talking about NaNoWriMo (after looking over someone's shoulder at her Google Drive documents)
11: checking out the cute animals they brought to campus
12: a hauntingly vivid tale of savagery and survival
13: the chill guy working at the Escape Room (and his being impressed at our signing while solving the puzzles)
14: stopping at Crescent Moon Bay to picnic (+ write)
15: meeting a guy who happened to go to the high school where my dad teaches and was incredulously amazed that I could possibly be related to that infamous professor
16: wanderings (climbing down into the ruins, strolling along the wetland boardwalk)
17: giggling and teasing each other about celebrity crushes
18: the great reading and voice-acting by Adam Grupper for The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate
19: mindless chatter and jokes with a (cute) coworker
20: brunch with my friends' friends
21: suddenly seeing a fat marmot on the rocks a ways down from where I'm sitting
22: singing along with songs I haven't heard in ages while packing up my dorm room
23: dressing as a Dapper Dave
24: a ruthless establishing-the-rules game of tenasketball with my brother
25: store-hopping and window-shopping (browsing backpacking/camping gear)
26: petting & playing with a friendly puppy that wandered to our house
27: running into an old classmate (/crush) (who happens to work at the store I was shopping at) and him being friendly as ever
28: watching hockey
29: taking the train downtown to visit with a friend at a hipster coffee shop
30: errands and lunch stop in Santa Fe
31: small breakthroughs when working on a puzzle

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