Monday, April 30, 2018


1: flying down the trails
2: (shamelessly) trying to fall asleep everywhere
3: when two birds' songs overlap and ring out in unison
4: hindsight validation (a few years late) of the confusion I went through in a sweet coming-of-age story
5: getting to know ODESZA
6: an afternoon up in the lighting lab with the improv comedy crew (and laughing until tears stream down my face)
7: indulging in a luscious square of dark chocolate on the walk home
8: El Laberinto del Fauno/Pan's Labyrinth
9: when the landscape is a living painting
10: stepping over the leaf-littered forest floor (to collect data)
11: dinner with fellow vegans (and a chat with the dining hall staff)
12: when the main character destroys almost every significant relationship they have in the span of a couple chapters
13: field trip to a local housing development
14: a cute kids' book my mom definitely would have gotten for us if it had come out a decade earlier
15: tooth worries, and "Swallowing Teeth"
16: singing along with "Silence" while standing in front of the open window
17: Google Earth teleportation
18: "Blind in Light" by Memtrix
19: spending a Thursday night writing in a café (Crossroads)
20: student presentations at spring symposium
21: fruit bowl picnic out by MarbleWorks on the creek bank
22: talking with community presenters at our Earth Day fair
23: when my spine nestles comfortably into the grooves of the bark as I sit against a tree
24: vaulting over things 'cause I feel like it
25: sore all over (hurts so good)
26: the unexpected ordeal of something exploding in the kitchen after it was left unattended, bringing three fire trucks y muchos bomberos to la Casa and catching the attention of all onlookers in the vicinity
27: (a) walk out in the rain
28: learning about futuristic, sustainable city developments in the United Arab Emirates
29: daffodils (drooping in the rain, fragrant in my room)
30: classmates looking to you for answers

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