Friday, December 31, 2021


1: making it to Rio Rancho and back just under the wire
2: Captain Fantastic
3: scones & tea
4: deciding our top 5 Beatles songs (if the entire catalog had to be deleted, which 5 would you preserve)
5: giving a thriller a chance despite not being my usual genre
6: belatedly realizing the guy I helped is the dad of an old friend from high school
7: browsing sassy candles
8: absolutely scream-laughing at a character's stupidity
9: Hoarders
10: the sun over the wild mountain grasses
11: poetic and prosaic tidbits capturing the hopelessness
12: going from debating Bob Dylan's "stage voices" to R.E.M.'s album Monster
13: talking about geographical differences in Spanish accents
14: discussing DNR orders and "right to die" ethics
15: lending a hand(s) to the big book shift
16: the fact that Target has Kwanzaa cards
17: revisiting the Hahn Arroyo trail
18: listening to Train again after many years
19: patrol on a cold morning
20: "You can't break until you've taken shape, can't crack until there's a form to shatter"
21: questions of ethics and memory in The Shimmering State
22: the sweetness of making up
23: The Ugly Cry
24: Subnautica
25: rummaging for snacks and playing our separate video games
26: trying and buying pants from Ross
27: laughing at a terrible New Mexico bucket list
28: You're Not Listening
29: the at-work convenience of being able to switch between the physical and the ebook
30: "Midnight" by Coldplay
31: receiving the exclusive CD copy of my brother's new album

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