Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 1: the contrast of white baseboards against cream walls
2: teaming up with a stranger in Rocket League and playing some matches together
3: crouching inside the closet to help install the doors
4: snuggling in the backseat on the car ride back from the airport
5: finally checking out the vegan restaurant I drive by every day on the way to work
6: Sunday brunch at a local hipster eatery
7: him snuggled in the blankets & napping in my bed
8: little lizard outside on the windowsill
9: wrangling the hammer drill
10: cooking our separate dinners (staggered for the time difference) over video chat
11: when the dust finally settles
12: biking to midtown
13: bf video-calling me from work for a short bit
14: surviving a mini breakdown during one of our first solo pickup trips
15: jewel-like caterpillar eggs
16: the satisfaction of hammering nails
17: two remixes of the same song with very different vibes (1, 2)
18: sneaking in a drive around uptown
19: Portal 2, 2-player
20: out apple-pickin' with the gang
21: listening to Jubilee middle ground discussions while touch-up painting
22: virtual meetings eating up most of the work day
23: the sheer force of the pressure washer
24: installing a railing for the porch steps
25: getting adopted by our partner work team for a day
26: the increase in confidence and competence over the course of my first day
27: bustling around between people-watching
28: hot lunch thanks to a thermos
29: watching the debate livestream together
30: a rant/discussion about Helen Keller

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