Sunday, May 31, 2020


1: him noticing and decoding (and losing it over) my mannerisms
2: working on and recording our presentation together
3: improv parody song lyrics with my parents
4: playing Team Fortress 2 for the first time
5: napping between Zoom calls
6: vegan cheese wheel with bread
7: answering a question from the Q&A
8: bingeing It's Me or the Dog clips
9: flying crows silhouetted against a painted sunset sky
10: a quarantine-themed Mother's Day ecard
11: staying up til 5, sleeping in til 2
12: his cute face in a vulnerable moment
13: meeting up in person
14: Cosmonauts on repeat
15: cloud-gazing
16: Zoom hangout with some old college pals
17: parody videos of political debates
18: really embracing the Virgin vs Chad meme
19: former professors attending my thesis Q&A (and hearkening back to past classes I had with them)
20: grassland cactus jungle
21: cotton swirling in the evening light of the bosque
22: taste testing cake pops
23: texting with peeps on my birthday
24: the perfect joke about a shitty situation making me laugh
25: finishing the I Wish You All the Best audiobook
26: a walk together through the desert
27: people- (and dog-) watching in the park
28: midday snuggle sesh
29: Lies We Tell Ourselves
30: his sleepy, bedheaded focus
31: return to Mt. Taylor

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