Sunday, June 30, 2019


1: "Today is Spaceship Day" - the short film written by an AI
2: La razón de estar contigo. La historia de Ellie
3: some work excitement (going to a meeting, getting an office mate)
4: looking like an absolute dork in my bright orange rain poncho
5: squishy hongos
6: chatting with my new office mate
7: "Video Games" remixes (particularly this one)
8: exploring la desembocadura
9: a lie-in-bed-and-read kind of morning
10: meeting with my professor at the cafe in Química for our class
11: autoplay post-rock
12: meeting up with my compañera to work on our presentation
13: sweet perro callejero coming over for pets
14: professor asking me to revise a paper he wrote in English
15: getting up at 11 and eating breakfast at noon
16: some amount of color on the lunch plate (yay, vegetables)
17: basking in the sun after a particularly frigid morning
18: perros de Penco, parte dos
19: browsing the feria artesanal + getting some Chile trinkets
20: a little affectionate shoulder scratch
21: "leave it" practice (i.e., an excuse to give Odie treats)
22: Breaking Bad's trainwreck spiraling into ever more fucked-up (as I get to the end of Season 2)
23: some post rock recommendations from a review video
24: when my host sister lends me an umbrella and the rest of the day proceeds to be sunny and virtually cloudless
25: dog hair on my jacket
26: Cody and Noel being invited to the kombucha lair
27: despedidas de la práctica [goodbyes on the last day of my internship]
28: té con leche (de avena) [tea with (oat) milk] at Cassis
29: passing the torch (the cycle of hosting exchange students)
30: overlooking Conce from el Cerro Caracol and suddenly getting nostalgic {pics coming soon}

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