Wednesday, October 31, 2018


1: peanut butter fudge and pretzels
2: clips from the opera Don Giovanni as part of analysis in my Don Juan class
3: pleasantly unexpected "thought you'd like this" music recommendation from a friend
4: hearing queer perspectives of life on campus
5: sitting blindfolded on the bay, experiencing the place through the topography of the rocks beneath me
6: the tender, heartfelt story and beautiful watercolor illustration of On the Night of the Shooting Star
7: cooking with the vegan dinner crew for Sunday Night Dinner
8: a misty, snow-like flurry of rain
9: listening to Sean Ono Lennon for the first time - on his birthday!
10: trying to capture fall in photographs
11: a walk out in the rain (through the forest, along leaf-littered "back" paths, at the edge of the meadow/field)
12: Grant's COTW takeover
13: binge-listening to Seafret
14: open, honest talk over the phone with a friend
15: mini documentaries from Attitude on different life experiences
16: hidden gems of the sixth-floor oasis
17: a moment of tackle-play with my #1 bub
18: the poetic/philosophical side (and interspersed witty jabs) of Walden
19: the ticking sound of nails on linoleum as a little dog follows our every step as we move about the kitchen
20: chilling at the townhouse on a Saturday night with a movie and a card game
21: itty bitty snowflakes in a winter-cold flurry
22: talk of tattoos and vegan edibles over dinner
23: when none of us read the article the teacher assigned and are skimming it in class and fudging answers to the discussion questions
24: falling head over heels in love with "Better" by Laszlo
25: when a guy I met at poetry night seeks me out to read my latest poem
26: pleasantly unexpected encounters with graduated friends
27: bringing a friend along to Crescent Moon Bay on a chilly, overcast morning
28: "City in the Sky" by Hyraxe and Tevlo
29: when a girl who's given me some vibes (?) compliments my sweatshirt
30: kicking my shoes off and walking around the classroom (+ other places) in just my toe-socks
31: seeing a couple clever and creative costumes

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