Wednesday, November 30, 2016


1: putting together & listening to different playlists on Spotify
2: when your family sends you a flashdrive with a playlist of songs played at a concert you couldn't attend
3: constructing a memory palace to remember the molecular intermediates in cellular respiration
4: elders reacting to modern slang
5: leaves suspended, as if frozen, in the still night air
6: Breaking Bad as a conversation starter
7: getting into a steady rhythm at the lab bench
8: commiserating with classmates about election anxiety
9: a chubby lil squirrel eating stolen food on top of a garbage can
10: finding the practice rooms
11: Middlebury College fall orchestra concert
12: looking at land on Craigslist during work
13: stopping at the corner café on a day trip to Rutland with Mom
14: "Landing Cliffs" by Explosions in the Sky
15: after hours in the laboratory
16: when you're reminiscing about old times with a friend and your friend spontaneously texts you
17: wandering the labyrinth of halls in the dorm
18: sneaking into a classroom and sitting at the professor's desk to do homework
19: lying in the grass and enjoying the last of the sun's warmth before winter
20: finding out one of your favorite books is being made into a movie
21: first New England snow
22: airport dinner of an über-spicy savory crêpe
23: trekking through the muddy woods with rambunctious cat 'n' dog hiking pals in tow
24: contributing to my first vegan Thanksgiving feast
25: going out to see a small local theater company production of A Christmas Carol
26: riding a unicycle with the innovative help of ski poles
27: that state of being asleep where you can still hear the music/radio that's playing but it's still a challenge to fully wake up
28: breath freezing in the sunshine
29: updates about the family pets I visited this Thanksgiving
30: learning about personality psychology

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