Sunday, January 31, 2016


1: all my stuffed animals having a name and a story
2: reading through the YouTube comments section
3: the cashier saying you're beautiful and then winking at you
4: not failing my first Russian listening comp
5: vegan provolone-style slices on crackers
6: "Pig Powder"
7: pondering line astigmatism as a college research project
8: Stephan Pastis
9: timing a show on Netflix perfectly with the same show broadcasting on TV
10: low-key interview with a college alumna
11: David Bowie music marathon
12: ranting (in French) at the archaic questions in your 1983 French textbook
13: speaking French in a dream
14: Bo Burnham's "What."
15: when your teacher is curious about your being vegan
16: a random Saturday hang-out-be-weird-and-eat-food party
17: shopping spree for vegan stuff
18: reading a corny book about a single people's relationship makeover retreat
19: eyes newly open to sunrises, sunsets, and mountain majesty
20: my heart going out to a kid suffering playing-test anxiety
21: "Put on a Happy Face"
22: waking up at 3 am with one numb arm and shaking the feeling back into it
23: reclining movie theater seats
24: Stanley's suspicion of my Saturday night whereabouts
25: playing a wooden clarinet the band director got off Craigslist for cheap
26: when your friend makes vegan cookies for the crew
27: talking for two hours on the phone with your friend and coming up with a weird new language
28: the Crew going to Chipotle for lunch
29: ditching class to go see the devil fish
30: baking vegan cookies for the first time
31: Sunday lunch with Dad at Thai Vegan

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