Sunday, September 27, 2015


1: checking Amazon while at school and finding out your package arrived
2: racing against time to get to school and making it with only five minutes to spare
3: inadvertently being a soloist (and being praised)
4: hours and hours of WatchMojo top 10's
5: introducing Ravi to the climb-up game
6: Still Alice
7: reviving the HHFC with a one-(wo)man short film done in (nearly) one day
8: Alan Singley's Cold Truth and Anamorphic Orchestra
9: finding Middlebury
10: drawing designs for the Pep Band T-shirt
11: Nic Bommarito's "Elle va au Japon" and "KTM"
12: melon Powerade and pretzel Goldfish
13: working physics problems on a whiteboard
14: sly (but not subtle) compliments from your teacher
15: a "salad" lunch of plain cucumber
16: 5:30 am fat and fluffy hamster
17: the advisee get-to-know-you sheets (and the cryptic codes and euphemisms I could have used)
18: sneakily not turning in your homework (and your teacher not noticing) because you didn't do it
19: hamster's first encounter with a computer, and he helps you write your essay
20: finding part of a story you wrote on a mini legal pad on a work break over a month ago
21: a Luna bar before first period
22: snails coming out in the rain
23: finding out Reed College allows caged animals and has an interdisciplinary neuroscience-based major
24: the large group humanities presentation on medieval music and hearing Gregorian chants
25: meeting with Mr. Nieves to talk about Case Western Reserve University
26: the regional middle and high school band and orchestra playing at the grand opening of a strip mall
27: the Great British Baking Show
28: the satisfaction of cussing out another driver while they're fully aware of it
29: "Kyrie Eleison" from Dan Gibson's Solitudes
30: the mini-fire of contact (and when she tells you not to break it)

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