Sunday, December 31, 2017


1: a breathtaking union of gorgeous vocals and strong, powerful electronic melodies and bass supports
2: Twizzlers dipped in frosting
3: the supermoon as seen through spindly, skeletal winter branches
4: mysterious morning mist
5: the pain and hope of animal rescue and recovery (videos)
6: the rushing of the creek under starlight
7: peer-pressuring two club-buddies into coming to language tables
8: humming/singing "You Are Here" and "Aisumasen (I'm Sorry)" to myself in memory of John Lennon
9: watching and feeling a little kid's excitement over a button-pressed card dispenser
10: the fortuitous discovery of how smooth my bald head can be
11: snacking on chocolate chips
12: informal phone interview with a New Mexico-based tiny home builder
13: some classmates chatting about driving stickshift
14: song mashups (otherwise known as black MIDI for the brain)
15: "imagine a round-table discussion with these influential people" exam prompt
16: library books to educate myself about Kwanzaa
17: being productive while (stuck) in the airport for many hours
18: filling up a bag of books
19: family game night of Cards Against Humanity
20: making vegan latkes for the last day of Hanukkah
21: learning to crochet (again) and listening to an audiobook
22: walking in step as we share a pair of earbuds and traverse the path around the garden center
23: talasimu, or Kwanzaalien
24: dreams commingling with reality and subconscious desires brought to the surface
25: helping plant the Christmas trees/shrubs
26: first day of Kwanzaa
27: gazing out at the far-off city lights and highway lines while on a night stroll at the edge of the neighborhood
28: "Kunze Kwadoka" by Oliver Mtukudzi
29: blackberry bars and relatable rants
30: messing around on the piano and coming up with a joke album
31: just managing to finish preparing the karamu/birthday meal before 2018

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