Wednesday, May 31, 2017


1: the brilliant, show-stopping burst of lightning across the night sky
2: "Found You" by Kasbo feat. Chelsea Cutler
3: "Alone" by NERVO & Askery feat. Brielle Von Hugel
4: my friend bringing me a vegan dessert bar from the dining hall
5: rain pouring down as I tramp through the leaf-littered forest
6: my supervisor coming to see a play at my invitation
7: songs from 028
8: errands and food gathering with the club
9: seeing the inside of an electrical plug (& discovering how it works)
10: spotting tadpoles and frogs in a little pond off the creek
11: expressing thanks to my teacher and him expressing thanks in return
12: expansive reflections over the swamp waters
13: lazing in one of the Great Hall's comfy chairs to get work done
14: wandering around and filming nature clips for a cinematographic composition
15: wading through swamp waters
16: walking around and being out in the nature most of the day
17: safety gloves to handle sharp/rough-edged/hot metal
18: remembering Chris Cornell through Soundgarden, Audioslave, and his solo albums
19: installing and admiring the cable racks
20: a break from packing to sit in a meadow in the afternoon light and hear the bird songs
21: my standard Burlington airport fare at The Skinny Pancake
22: commencement of the purge
23: birthday dessert of homemade vegan rice krispie treats
24: starting in on my summer reading list
25: the crush reveal (to my mom)
26: wood-notching with a bow saw and a chisel
27: violent and bloody self-defense, revenge, and escape at the end of a movie
28: building a spine and legs for Joe
29: charging my phone with a portable solar panel
30: lying in a hammock with the night sky above
31: listening to 020 under my brother's tutelage

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