Friday, October 31, 2014


1: black-market food dealings in class
2: organized marching bands (with feather caps, capes, and all)
3: kind of-sort of-maybe doing a climb-up (even if you hurt yourself doing it)
4: a "36 song golden collection" of Einaudi music
5: the game Flow
6: having a travel crew when you go on a trip
7: seeing how sets change from scene to scene and play to play
8: a restaurant breakfast of oatmeal and toast
9: sitting and talking with someone on a park bench
10: cafés that serve drinks in cups and saucers, with designs in the latte foam
11: exploring downtown, inner-city Portland
12: a home-cooked meal (after a week of restaurant eating)
13: National Coming Out Day posters at school
14: bio labs that make you feel like a doctor or chemist
15: narrowly escaping being tagged
16: finding Norma
17: a tenasketball tournament so brutal the askets snap into pieces and you get cut-up hands
18: half-napping while doing homework
19: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
20: cute crush stories
21: epic & awkward falls
22: "Due Tramonti" ("Two Sunsets") by Ludovico Einaudi
23: "Roots in a Parched Ground"
24: when someone backs you on your opinion when arguing with someone else
25: birthday parties with hiking, pumpkin carving, and card games
26: friends & birthday semi-parties
27: a crocheted, stuffed Ebola virus
28: watching a spider fight
29: Stevie and Sarah (on YouTube)
30: modern art with Cheerios
31: when somebody gets your costume

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