Friday, February 28, 2014


1: Moonrise Kingdom
2: Brian Crain's album "Piano & Light"
3: playing chess with your teacher
4: being late to class with a similarly lost/confused peer at your side
5: your teacher talking in an indistinguishable eastern-European accent to make everyone laugh
6: beating six-month writer's block
7: seeing both sides of a story
8: running in stride with a dog
9: playing Minecraft Hunger Games with a friend
10: hilariously adorable puppet shows
11: making that bold, interpretative statement
12: people flocking to anyone who has food
13: coming up with dance moves in the shower
14: when you lend someone your phone, and they take a selfie and set it as the background pic
15: long, lonely, & quiet dirt roads
16: (addictive) simulated reality games
17: an unreasonably merciful Hunger Games opponent
18: school "field trips" to Keva Juice
19: when a sub cares more about you than your actual teacher
20: being artistic outside of art class
21: an unexpected reward for a good deed
22: a new look (for Minecraft)
23: crawling through the maze in the pit
24: eerily accurate personality tests
25: pricking your finger & watching the blood bubble up
26: screwing with Siri
27: semi-awkward encounters with pretty much total strangers
28: not being incredibly nervous on opening night

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