Wednesday, February 28, 2018


1: stories about survival in the wilderness after a plane crash
2: making food and enjoying it together at a silent dinner
3: sneaking an uncatalogued book out of the library because I really wanted to read it (shh...)
4: (the glory and majesty of) crossing the Delaware
5: dirt-stained clothes after a day of yard work
6: guessing games while we work
7: when "who's the spy among us" games get super amped up
8: hands-on construction work (framing the floor and three walls of a shed)
9: the intense anxiety, then liberating relief of hot-seat truth reveals and learning deeper, more personal things about other people
10: watching someone experience the beach and the ocean for the first time
11: picking up where I left off with a friend I haven't seen in a while (and didn't think I'd get to see again)
12: the strange, disembodied, in-the-limbo freedom of sitting in on classes while not being fully committed to them
13: comfortable, joking rapport with my adviser
14: ordering a tea at Crossroads, then heading upstairs for a more casual committee meeting in the Grille
15: talking with someone at a party
16: Black History Month Jeopardy
17: personalized interactions with patrons (since I know some of them pretty well by now)
18: carried away on autoplay tunes
19: one-on-one alphabet teaching and practice with a first-time signer
20: so much New Mexico representation
21: checking out Queers & Allies and meeting some new people
22: serious throwbacks to the Dimension days
23: writing novel tidbits in left-hand cursive on a chalkboard
24: a sequel to my first ode to Bi Hall, coming at the end of "Show Your Love for McCardell Bicentennial Hall" Week
25: coming across a (somewhat dark) George Harrison album I hadn't heard before
26: accompanying my lab-mates upstairs to release Alfred the ladybug into the greenhouse
27: a good-food lunch after days of disappointment
28: satirical cartoons on architecture and society