Monday, June 30, 2014


1: how the two halves of the sky glow in complementary colors at sunset
2: bushwhacking through the wilderness, carrying a bike over your shoulder
3: when an author puts a dog into a story without effort
4: Queen Latifah
5: killing the night beasts of Minecraft
6: The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants book
7: meeting all the shelter dogs and learning their names
8: finally drying/mopping up the two inches of water on your kitchen floor
9: the Tamagotchi fruit characters
10: melty-cheese nachos
11: glue-stick and marker projects
12: when the moon turns the clouds silver
13: returning to something you've been apart from for a long time
14: playing with and baby-talking to a dog
15: writing Russian Father's Day cards
16: flipping a tire without the teacher's help
17: watching people cry on Dr. Phil
18: The First Part Last by Angela Johnson
19: studying русский
20: designing party invites
21: being "that guy" & asking employees if their products have gelatin
22: watching World Cup games
23: watching New Mexicans compete in American Ninja Warrior
24: Dog Whisperer
25: Skyping a 12-year-old from New Zealand
26: The Cat Returns
27: seeing someone from your favorite TV show in real life
28: actually being put to work at a volunteer event
29: dogs coming over to say hi to you
30: finally being able to see (in sunlight) after an optometrist's appointment

Sunday, June 1, 2014


1: a friendly acquaintance sitting by you and making friendly jokes
2: turtles smiling at you
3: having conversations and pretending to be valley girls
4: regressing to a past life
5: poem exposés on PBS
6: when friends make up a game but don't even know the rules
7: blowing so hard into a wind instrument that your teeth ache
8: "Traffic Racer"
9: the animations for "Goodbye Blue Sky"
10: hanging out with and talking to a friendly stranger
11: mini timelines
12: Tori Amos' "Crucify"
13: coming up with "life is precious" slogans
14: apathy with friends & true emotion with family
15: how Gordon Ramsay hates everyone
16: avenging your brother in Minecraft Hunger Games
17: playing with a balloon
18: alternating between Let's Be Still and Waiting for the Dawn
19: being a totally chill bro
20: trying to write a not-too-sentimental goodbye letter
21: a goodbye party for a good friend
22: drinking Earl Grey tea and writing
23: when a friend writes you a birthday card using mostly Beatles lyrics & song titles
24: Ian McKinnon's "S F-squared" acronym
25: Kona selfies
26: renovating your room for the summer
27: almost losing $300 but then digging through recycling and finding it
28: filling out a zillion job apps
29: finding out weird/cool facts that you never knew about musicians
30: exercise breaks to relieve the burning-chest feeling
31: playing pretend with dogs