Sunday, November 20, 2022

Jul-Sep 2022


1: paying respects to the rare pigeon
2: trying to uncover the life of the enigmatic (and beloved) author LJ Maas
3: dodging an irrepressible new coworker
4: climbing up the foothills & looking out over the city 
5: the start of Zak George's RV life adventures
6: letting Tim (my native New Mexican coworker) read over my Spanish-language book review
7: taking the pups for a walk in the bosque
8: a quick ice cream sandwich
9: Taco Cabana for lunch 
10: lamenting that someone willfully gave up an autographed LJ Maas book (but amazed I got it for such a steal)
11: digging up some Alan Singley
12: an unconventional book repair (involving many layers of color-matched cardstock)
13: interview practice on my breaks
14: What If You & Me
15: their faces for treats
16: tallying what 501 Must-See movies we've seen & what 501 Must-Read Books we've read
17: Matt finding Yusuf/Cat's TikTok
18: park picnic
19: the (as I'm coming to recognize) signature sarcastic humor of LJ Maas
20: when Inclusive Ninja is still problematic
21: running to escape the sprinklers
22: tidbit writing inspiration 
23: running inside to escape the sudden downpour (with the girls stopping to shake off every three seconds)
24: Matt asking my permission to eat the vegan ice cream 
25: Dora nosing and chewing her way to the treats hidden under the shirt
26: the critique group raising the important question of why my characters are always meeting over food
27: a staff run-through of the escape room my coworker put together
28: encounters with polite men out with their dogs
29: the spooky jazz-sesh journey of 50 Words for Snow
30: "eavesdropping" on a fraught relationship conversation (so, like lurking on relationship_advice irl)
31: nighttime playground hijinks


1: flipping between the audiobook and ebook depending on my work station (or if I'm on break)
2: getting unreasonably riled up about an epilogue (which concludes the stories of all the trilogy's characters)
3: jamming to my brother's newest album, "odyssey"
4: a hike in the eastern Sandias
5: braiding my hair with beads
6: the trilogy not ending as badly as I remembered
7: tracks 4-6 from Pagans in Vegas
8: the slightly entertaining parallels between the neighbors and our old roommates (re: stupid fighting)
9: a coworker fangirling over Bridgerton
10: Tim modeling the squid hat I got in the summer reading staff prize goodie bag
11: the sound of a sudden downpour (& hailstorm)
12: tinkering with the resume 
13: cookout + game night @ Jeremy's (or, hanging out with coworkers outside of work)
14: a walk around a downtown block to pass the time
15: helping pick tomatoes from the free-range library vines
16: generously interpreting a story as "a character study into an unlikable man"
17: journaling by booklight & candle ambiance
18: the... range of talent on Junior Bake Off
19: audiobook while hair styling
20: a skunk standoff (luckily through glass)
21: chatting with my grandma over the phone
22: gold evening light shimmering through rain-studded leaves
23: that the dogs got to have their fun tearing into a trash bag
24: the student loan forgiveness news
25: the gremlin spying on me from down the hall
26: "Misty" & others matching the vibe of a cautious, contemplative drive through a downpour
27: retail therapy at Goodwill & Lowe's
28: sufficiently entertaining distraction, even if the story's pretty meh
29: spending almost $10 to send a debit card through certified mail that will no longer be active by the time it reaches its recipient
30: one year at my current workplace
31: a lunch-break stroll to the Walgreens for some lunch accoutrements (i.e., chips)


1: an unaccounted-for blip of oblivion
2: a well-wishes text from a coworker
3: Walmart skeleton photo edits
4: family Costco outing
5: rewatching The Vicar of Dibley after so many years
6: yet another killer Goodwill work outfit
7: Celeste raving to me about Van Leeuwen vegan ice cream
8: purging yearbooks
9: Paul Giamatti narrating an audiobook
10: staff run-throughs of the '80s trivia
11: some of Matt's writing enthusiasm rubbing off & getting inspired for a new tidbit
12: feeling justified about a DNF (after scouring for negative reviews)
13: taking bets on which patron put 25 volumes of a manga series on hold
14: Jeremy making vegan apple cake
15: recollection of the Beyond coming back to me in spurts of muscle memory
16: dogs leaping through the desert brush
17: being invited back for a cuppa after the end of the 'making masala chai' class
18: crouching before the window, chin on the sill, to take in the night breeze, and the mournful windchime, and to be wrapped in the billowing curtain's soft shroud
19: swapping out the first consonant of different names with "J" (but still loving Jimothy and Jassachusetts most of all)
20: the inevitable last minute packing rush
21: the furthest Izi & I have ever traveled together
22: overlooking the valley of chirping prairie dogs
23: seeing my grandma after seven years
24: hiking up the wooded hill to take in the valley views
25: deer-watching from the deck
26: touches of fall color in the Grand Teton Nat'l Forest
27: a hike autour du lac (the String Lake Loop, to be precise)
28: spooky cool photo-op at the Frontier Prison Museum
29: riding an e-scooter around downtown neighborhoods & along the creek trail
30: return to familiar roadways

Monday, September 5, 2022

Apr-Jun 2022

1: walking around the apartment complex
2: broccoli time with the dongles
3: a wide-brimmed hat on a sunny patrol morning
4: territorially barking at me from inside the laundry basket
5: frustrated gremlin growling
6: "Tap Out" by the Strokes
7: bringing the dogs to the bougie park
8: finishing The Duke and I so I can rewatch season one of Bridgerton 
9: a writer x editor romance set in the publishing world
10: Rebecca's comment that the lullaby renditions of Daft Punk give off the ambiance of a New Age massage parlor
11: when we get Mercedes, the most wholesome of the lot, joyfully repeating Kanye West's "Hurry up with my damn croissant"
12: an anthropomorphic tea bag (in a picture book of humanoid foods)
13: The Ex Talk
14: dog cuddles after a long day in urgent care
15: Dot leading the park explorations
16: foisting lullaby renditions on coworkers and family alike
17: getting back to French lessons (inspired by my coworkers' Duolingo craze)
18: the absurdist, Black Mirror-esque Beautiful You
19: listening to a Spanish podcast
20: browsing someone's extensive CD donation drop-off 
21: trading up for a better weekend read (i.e., not all contemporary romance is created equal)
22: sharing the couch with the dogs & managing to sleep in
23: having gained Dora's trust enough that she gets excited & approaches me for pets
24: our first solo walk (well, as a trio)
25: tracking checkout transactions in a Word document during an internet outage
26: a love story starring socially awkward adults
27: everyone pitching in on check-in
28: bringing the girls to visit a potential adopter (& the fact that they have chunky senior Chihuahua-mixes of their own)
29: some quick French lessons while waiting in line for a food order
30: going through my boyfriend's family's old pictures

1: placing first in the Amethyst league
2: when they trot along behind me even after I let go of their leashes
3: the "Entre deux mondes" episode of the Duolingo French podcast
4: getting them riled up about cookies
5: winding along riparian trails
6: adventures involving arroyo ravines
7: testing Jack's COVID taste blindness
8: wine-gifting for mother's day
9: a WLW contemporary romance
10: "Fourth of July" by Sufjan Stevens
11: fragrant flowers on our walk
12: Les 7 Vies de Léa
13: Kurtis' fushigi video
14: Bad Seeds
15: flipping through a book of instant pot recipes
16: une histoire en français très bizarre
17: Here Today
18: making it to one year (& not doing anything more special than our normal work/store commute)
19: Transatlanticism
20: the visual ASMR quality of Country Life Vlog
21: attempting to speak French in a dream
22: throwing together a taco bowl
23: cake in the car after a bike ride
24: being fluent enough to completely go off on a terrible Spanish book in a Goodreads review
25: little vulnerabilities (between Those Darn Squirrels & him trying to convince me that Sheryl Crow's "Mississippi" is the superior version)
26: Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
27: brunch at an extremely bougie/hipster restaurant
28: Dora getting completely engrossed in a rawhide while Dot, after pacing out her boredom, sits on top of a shoe
29: belated birthday coffee cake
30: a turn (or two, or three) around the grassy park
31: a quick post office visit

1: finishing a well-despised book with gusto
2: restaurant patio-eating with the pups
3: rewatching Kurtis' "Barbie vs. Bratz" video
4: the popularity of the guessing-jar raffle
5: finding another "joule" vanity plate on a Tesla
6: jamming to mid-2000s' The National
7: Long Story Short
8: my mom bringing Thai Vegan to my work for lunch
9: boredom spurring some revision work out on the patio in the stormy afternoon
10: Modern General's bougie carrot-mango smoothie 
11: a crusty-bread-with-soup kind of night
12: left-field escape propositions
13: The Sign for Home
14: Danny's spider story (shared on Kurtis' podcast)
15: Thank You for Today
16: picking out a new summer work outfit from Goodwill
17: return to Sims for some low-level torture
18: hanging out with the fam before they leave for their trip
19: another baby boy in the Sims family tree (in generation 5)
20: my coworker bringing me a (oat)milk tea from her boba run
21: Girl in Ice
22: an obsessive climb to the top to secure first place in the diamond league
23: You Had Me at Hola
24: The Kiss Quotient
25: personal notes left in donated books
26: little pieces of art in the complex's landscaped areas
27: spur-of-the-moment putting that bilingual certification to use
28: feedback about scene-setting and parallel dreams from the critique group
29: finding out my new coworker went to the same school, years earlier
30: homemade smoothie hitting different 

Friday, June 17, 2022

Jan-Mar 2022


1: going to my folks' for a New Year's feast
2: vegetable stew
3: revision work during the last, unbusy hour
4: powerhousing the better part of a near-400-page book
5: learning the "manual" checkout system during a half-hour internet outage
6: return to Minecraft
7: unintentionally ending up in the university area in my southward journey
8: Gregory Alan Isakov's cover of the Lumineers' "Salt and the Sea"
9: listening to tunes while out on patrol
10: transferring my book post-its to a spreadsheet
11: derpy feminist comics
13: making a vegan BLT
14: the Riverside trail reminding me so much of the no outlet road along Otter Creek
15: going on a bean spree
16: toying around with my coworker Rebecca's banjolele
17: weird city finds, like Cap'n Crunch inside the fingers of a latex glove
18: my coworker Alysa trash-talking the suburban hellscape that is Rio Rancho
19: pot pie: breakfast, lunch, & dinner
20: a novel about writers doing writer things
21: Tramway biking
22: finding a Polaroid nude in a box of donated books
23: skate shoes & 2013 Monstercat vibes
25: donated movies with written notes inside the cases about dates watched & impressions
26: coming back to GTA after many months and finally completing a mission I failed half a dozen times
27: when my opinion of a book drops down to 2 stars upon reading reviews from fellow dissatisfied readers
28: Pixar animated shorts (Out, Twenty Something, Far from the Tree)
29: black-eyed pea and collard tacos with apple-avocado salsa (from the cookbook Isa Does It)
30: beans on waffles


1: The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window pilot
2: Izi's first snow (& closing work early)
3: believing it wasn't going to be a murder mystery
4: lounging around the house in oversized sweatpants
5: slammed on a Saturday
6: a vaguely Bronteian horror of madness and magic
7: Matt bringing up the Village Green Preservation Society after seeing the old yearbooks that got donated and getting "People Take Pictures of Each Other" stuck in my head
8: a discussion, prompted by an AskReddit post, on most unattractive male names
9: teaming up against the anti-mask lady (sort of...)
10: riding through Los Ranchos
11: a Regency-era historical romance, full of unnecessary soap-opera drama and cringe
12: juggling with Jeremy
13: playing with a rake and ball found out on patrol
14: a Valentine's night in, listening to Gregory Alan Isakov while I cook myself a meal and read a romance novel
15: childfree representation in romance fiction (shout out to Jen DeLuca + Well Matched)
16: psychological fiction (of the amnesia variety) gone thriller
17: playing fetch with Chop on the beach in GTA V
19: wearing my hair in a different style
20: dumb drama on a Netflix dating show
21: open world exploring
22: ideas for character improvement
23: when our most devoted regular returns three times in four hours
24: the "old-timey" language in Tipping the Velvet
25: paved paths flanked by wild brush
26: little bro coming in for a visit + getting a library card
27: online jigsaw puzzles
28: commiserating over the car theft experience


1: steadily getting more and more of my coworkers obsessed with the Seterra countries typing test
2: the beautiful, contemplative tracks from Rough and Rowdy Ways
3: family bonding through geography quizzes
4: adding crispy oven-baked tofu atop a noodle stir-fry
5: surprise that some of the Here Comes Science album is an actual vibe
6: TR girls meetup
7: racing each other on the typing tests
8: ---
9: going to the OG with a craving for spring rolls and chow mein
10: renewing my Rio Rancho library card to get some CDs (that ABQ doesn't have)
11: Jarvis posting a video on Love is Blind & me getting it now that I'm involved in the subreddit drama
12: staying up past midnight with Gregorian chants and a text on theology
13: Sunday rush keeping us on our toes
14: "from Zeus to Jezeus" (from the text linked below as "this theology book")
15: coming up with & comparing top 10 favorite albums lists
16: going out to dinner with coworkers
17: lunch & a bosque walk with the grandparents while they're in town
18: Angles by the Strokes
19: agreeing on the... rough quality of a new group member's writing submission
20: a novel about a portal into a parallel life
21: still loving this theology book despite the fact that the author used a quote from Marianne Williamson as an epigraph
22: catching up on Zak George videos
23: a morning winter wonderland that all but disappears by noon
24: feeling decently confident about a cover letter (& my qualifications relative to the job description)
25: return to the Riverside trail (bushwhacking through the bosque & passing Tingley Beach)
26: serving as the guinea pig for the NM trivia quiz
27: the retro-artifacts-in-resin countertops at Anodyne
28: an accessible book on the psychology of bias
29: watching Jarvis and Jordan react to a "race swap" reality TV show
30: a fortuitous meeting with the owner of the animal rescue where I adopted Stanley
31: successfully clipping a dog's toenails for the first time