Sunday, March 31, 2019


1: resurgent memories of Mexico
2: an extended-family birthday celebration in el campo {the country(side)}
3: CloudNone & Matt Van's "Juliet"
4: paseando un poco por la Universidad y el centro con mi coordinadora cultural {walking around the university and city center with my cultural coordinator}
5: gente amable (mi mentora y el jefe de la carrera) {nice people - my mentor and the department head}
6: finding a vegan restaurant in ConcepciĆ³n šŸ™Œ
7: bingeing El Ministerio
8: stark, wooded cliffs along the coast
9: the nostalgia of going to an orchestra concert
10: writing in the sand
11: campus dogs accompanying us on our tour
12: a shortcut through the woods
13: tomando el sol en el foro {sunning in "el foro", the amphitheater in the center of campus}
14: recorriendo las librerĆ­as {checking out bookstores}
15: playing cards and throwing crumbs to the pigeons on the beach
16: detailed clay figurines in historical-moment museum dioramas
17: my host sibs goofing off
18: first-day fails (funny after the fact)
19: being proactive (socially, as a secondary motivation/inherent factor)
20: chilling in the facultad de ciencias forestales {forestry sciences department}
21: the office demeanor flipping from wary to welcoming as I arrive for my first day of work
22: making some dog friends on the beach
23: watching the sign language interpreter rather than the actual performers
24: a dream where I can finally understand my host brother (bc he's speaking my language)
25: chillstep mixes while on the job*
26: doge dozing in my lap
27: working out in the outdoor exercise park
28: a play about family, identity, and deaf culture (in Spanish)
29: Ludiva's newest album (part 1 of a seven-part series)
30: afternoon ocean views from Parque de Lota
31: when my homework compaƱeros actually contact me wrt the assignment