Friday, November 30, 2018


1: premium music subscription service STEAL leading me to unknown albums by old favorites
2: putting on an old coat and just feeling *right*
3: crazy, goofy kids at the library
4: an ~extra hour put to good use - finishing a futuristic Jane Eyre story
5: listening to + singing along with Lana Del Rey (strange yet funny because I used to hate her) and being reminded of my best friend (who used to be obsessed with her)
6: Magpie and the Dandelion
7: doing a mini cover of "Video Games" and sending it to my friend (and him liking it despite the fact that he couldn't imagine me singing along to Lana, "but I guess there's a time and place for everything")
8: full language table with representation from all generations of signers
9: when "see ya later, bub" becomes "ciao-ciao, Chí-Chí"
10: remembering van music and being led to new tunes
11: twenty-minute mohawk phase (long enough to do a for-posterity photoshoot)
12: parallel experience between me and the character in my novel
13: (belated?) intro to Porter Robinson
14: a piece that captures both the cold desolation as well as the fragile, delicate wonder of winter ("Ice")
15: Hawt ChocoLIT (and laughing with people to engage with them)
16: the spectacle of snow sheets falling off the roof (and the thundering ruckus they make)
17: TA Outdoors' pallet wood cabin build
18: finishing season 4 of BoJack
19: meeting & talking to a guy in my class through a partner exercise
20: on a whim accompanying my friend to Bristol
21: pig and cat dutifully following us on the snowy trail
22: trust-building with Turkey (on Thanksgiving)
23: wandering the trails on my uncle and aunt's property
24: (extended family) game night
25: a day chilling with my aunt
26: unexpected extension of my stay in Madison
27: thickly falling snow to (finally) welcome me back to campus
28: busting out the knee-length puffy
29: the perfect secondary source for my final paper
30: surprise mail