Thursday, November 30, 2017


1: my friend informing me of a new veg restaurant opening in our hometown
2: epic music playing in my head during a stats test
3: perusing accidentally vegan snack options at the grocery store
4: heavy, dark music to match a pissed-off mood
5: binge-watching vegan "what I eat in a day" videos
6: a killer Uncaged Vol. 3 album mix
7: joking with the guys in the tech booth while they set up lighting cues for our performance
8: Cheat Code 2.0 album mix
9: not getting stage fright in front of the bright lights
10: failed churro experiment (and having a friend over to help out)
11: planning out the closing chapter
12: bath time for Patchie
13: examining the individual patterns of snowflakes sticking to my sweatshirt
14: neatly and efficiently completing my one-page-a-day goal for my final paper
15: music to motivate a workout (and breaking a sweat)
16: catching up on telenovela night
17: everyone reaching to take a freshly-baked sugar cookie off the plate
18: "Dreams" by Rogue ft. Laura Brehm
19: Bi Hall walkabout
20: deliberating on Athens' first move in the 4th-century-Greece (BCE) political simulation
21: bringing a stack of books back to my dorm to get me through Thanksgiving break
22: listening to an audiobook while cooking and doing food prep
23: a simple, filling bowl of mashed potatoes with gravy
24: tiny chickadee hopping onto twigs and dry leaves and belting out its eponymous song
25: "El Deafo" by Cece Bell
26: annotating a manuscript to prep it for draft 2
27: getting unreasonably excited when they serve some of my favorite food in the dining hall
28: the huge, stupid grin that I can't suppress upon revisiting my favorite Spanish song ever, "Billy y las botas"
29: the comforting familiarity and overwhelming beauty of listening to George Harrison's music (even/especially after going so long without hearing it)
30: Monstercat merch package