Tuesday, February 28, 2017


1: thick snowflakes drifting down in the forest
2: celebrating Imbolc down in Base 3 (a.k.a. the room with the most lights I know of/have access to)
3: my five-year anniversary video recording of "No One Special"
4: a kids' novel about escape from reality and making a rundown place magical
5: the secluded niche of the dispatch room
6: scoping out the locations of my classrooms for spring semester
7: tossing foam cubes with some little kids over the circulation desk
8: Romeo and Juliet choose your own adventure
9: waking up to see the fuzz of snow blowing past the windows
10: a time-travel story of love transcendent
11: jotting down a tidbit on a blank receipt scroll
12: gathering up books for the new semester
13: a warm welcome into the theater design & production course
14: seeing "send Mom valentine" written in pen on a guy's hand
15: unscrewing bolts and removing rails from the theater balcony
16: games to simulate systems in my environmental science lab
17: Endangered Species dark chocolate with cranberries and almonds
18: a comedy satirizing Socrates
19: interpreting alongside the performers
20: finding belated anti-valentines from my friend in my mailbox
21: swarf and the smell of burning steel
22: a little girl grabbing my hand (by the pinkie) to lead me to and show me something
23: standing in line with a friend and laughing and talking smack about random things
24: a girl actually asking me, "Can we be friends?"
25: derp-face Waldo
26: the ruins of Otter Creek
27: book talk over breakfast
28: surprising my teacher by knowing the name of a tool before he introduces it to me