Sunday, May 31, 2015


1: off to the park with your friend
2: checking out pets and pets checking you out
3: a successful (first) job interview
4: watching a movie and reading a fantasy novel as "study" for an exam
5: staying late to "study"
6: rationing a single tea bag
7: learning and operating the switchboard
8: congratulatory bagels after completing the AP exam
9: mint tea with honey
10: hearing the official "Kona's been adopted"
11: cheerful customers
12: microwave popcorn at school (instead of lunch)
13: watching movies in THREE classes at school
14: a phone reborn
15: last-day-of-school sentimentality combined with cloudy, rainy, and windy weather
16: getting to know & having fun with my coworkers
17: your friend calling you & talking on the phone
18: a snack from your workplace
19: intermittent naps throughout the day
20: waking up early but getting to go back to bed and sleep for five more hours
21: holding a hamster for the first time
22: food from my friend's mom
23: "real-life" birthdays
24: mini wireless mouse
25: serving someone you know in the fast-food drive thru
26: the annual end-of-the-school-year room cleaning
27: waking up early after a long sleeping-past-noon stretch
28: hanging out in the shade on a hot day
29: taking measurements in prep for the hamster
30: successfully riding my bike the whole way home from work
31:weird Minecraft pets