Saturday, February 28, 2015


1: wearing an eyepatch to the supermarket
2: Imbolc 2015
3: a welcoming email from your future host sister
4: researching & planning for your future job
5: typing a paper to the soothing sounds of a burbling fish tank
6: cozy clinics with a family feel and friendly workers
7: drawing a (cute?) welcome poster for your exchange student
8: my brother's excitement to become a volunteer after his first time at the ranch
9: teacher evaluations (especially the constructive criticism parts)
10: Uggs and shorts
11: learning Patwa (Jamaican) with your friend
12: running into a favorite teacher outside of school
13: your friend (and project partner) cheering you on before presentation time
14: spending Valentine's Day at the mall with your best friends
15: revisiting the playground of my childhood
16: a barefoot bowling afternoon (at least, part of it was barefoot)
17: the groove of some tracks on Balmorhea's album Stranger
18: the totally-worth-it ending of The Handmaid's Tale
19: playing drums in the dark
20: our last day with Steffy
21: cooking with a friend at their house for a class project
22: texting your friend from deep in the pit...
23: audio-chronicling while driving home
24: playing hockey/soccer by kicking around a doorstop in a dark, empty classroom
25: rehearing "Your Love is Forever"
26: a CD you haven't listened to since you were a kid
27: warm drinks from Starbucks and hardcore sledding on a snow day
28: sled races (that include crashing into mud canyons and catapulting through shrubbery)