Sunday, November 30, 2014


1: by chance hearing somebody play an Einaudi song
2: hanging out with Kona while it's pouring rain outside
3: Einaudi covers on acoustic guitar
4: recognizing a song (that you like) on the radio
5: an after-school snack of veggies to try to counter the sugar of Halloween candy
6: "Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not" by Thompson Square
7: using a day off from school to get some NaNo done
8: when a little kid tells you "you look handsome"
9: Kona and I going out for a walk for the first time in three months
10: a random pair of jeans in a bush
11: unintentional fashion success
12: sarcastic teachers that shame your classmates
13: bundling up when it's cold outside
14: when your friend makes you watch The Vampire Diaries
15: going into the "admin" computers at Lowe's and Home Depot and typing random messages
16: when a NaNoWriMo dictation gets you seven unexpected pages
17: listening to part of an audiobook
18: not falling asleep entirely while doing homework
19: beating the computer at chess
20: that person who comes to hang out with y'all and is just super chill
21: sprinting across the fields in your socks to get to class on time
22: cute kids at the store that remind you of yourself in your childhood
23: @BadAdviceRock
24: hanging with the crew (I have a crew?)
25: learning how to play Uno and becoming obsessed
26: Stu Larsen's Vagabond
27: playing two strategy games at once
28: when NaNo kind of just happens
29: showing off (not) buff arms in a (kind of) muscle shirt
30: going around and saying hi to all the dogs