Monday, September 30, 2013


1: cool story plot ideas
2: finally finishing long & drawn-out books
3: lifting weights
4: learning to play a song from just hearing it
5: someone speaking up for you
6: Rosalind Franklin
7: corny '90s horror books
8: cheering on Serena Williams
9: intermittent rain sprinkling
10: origami creations
11: someone remembering & paying attention to you
12: chilly, drizzly days
13: friends' accomplishments
14: so many Netflix choices!
15: a happily-ever-after Nicholas Sparks movie
16: transportable study havens
17: Yoko Ono on Twitter
18: mediocre auditions
19: grandparents
20: dark, creepy roads
21: "This Empty Northern Hemisphere"
22: family history stories
23: grandparents + friends
24: suppressing coughs
25: friendly acquaintanceship
26: rain sounds for sleep
27: cliche fortunes
28: experiencing the universe
29: memories & flashbacks
30: science pick-up lines